Saturday 9 November 2013


I have learned how to make fresh passion fruit juice which Beatrice makes every day.  This is something I want to make when I return home so I hope I can find passion fruits!

Recipe for Fresh Passion Fruit Juice:


16 or 17 passions fruits 
5 oranges
Approximately 1 cup of sugar
1 full jug of water (drinking water is boiled first)


  1. Cut the passion fruits in half and scrape out the pulp and seeds into a sieve with bowl underneath.
  2. Sprinkle about 1/3 cup of the sugar on the pulp.
  3. Stir this with a spoon to extract juice.
  4. Pour about 1/3 of the water into the pulp to extract all the juice.
  5. Continue this process two more times until the sugar and water has been used.
  6. Cut the oranges in half and add squeezed juice to the passion fruit juice.
  7. Enjoy!
If you try this out please let me know how it works.

Passion Fruits

Straining pulp with sugar

Fruits are small

Oranges are green on the outside when used
Beatrice and me making juice!

The finished product!

Earlier in this blog I showed Beatrice roasting fresh g nuts - ground nuts (peanuts).  Yesterday she made fresh peanut butter....the very best I have ever tasted!  She fries the nuts and blends them.  This is the tub she produced and I hope I can learn how to make this as well.

Fresh peanut butter

This is jack fruit which are absolutely huge and weigh about 10 lbs. each.  They are sticky and have many large seeds in them, and most people here love them.  In Victoria you can find them occasionally at The Root Cellar but cut into chunks, and they might be in China Town as well.

Jack Fruit Tree
Presented with jack fruit last year

We came across these local bee hives as we were visiting some of the homes of the children.  I could see the bees buzzing around and tried to take a movie.

Local bee hives
Many of the local rural farmers grow coffee bushes.  So as we are walking around the rural community near the school you will find coffee bushes everywhere.  As we pass homes you will find coffee beans drying on the ground of many compounds.

Fresh picked coffee beans 

Dried coffee beans